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- {******************************************************************************}
- { }
- { GmPrinter.pas v2.61 Lite }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001 Graham Murt - www.MurtSoft.co.uk }
- { }
- { Feel free to e-mail me with any comments, suggestions, bugs or help at: }
- { }
- { graham@murtsoft.co.uk }
- { }
- {******************************************************************************}
- unit GmPrinter;
- interface
- uses Windows, Classes, Printers, Graphics, Messages, JPeg, GmTypes, Dialogs;
- type
- TGmPrinterCanvas = class
- private
- FActive: Boolean;
- FCopyMode: TCopyMode;
- FFontAngle: Extended;
- FHFont: HFONT;
- FHPen: HPEN;
- FOffset: TPoint;
- FPenPos: TGmPoint;
- FPpiX: integer;
- FPpiY: integer;
- FPrintColor: TGmPrintColor;
- FPrinterCanvas: TCanvas;
- FPrintScale: Extended;
- FSaveBrush: TBrush;
- function GetBrush: TBrush;
- function GetFont: TFont;
- function GetHandle: THandle;
- function GetPen: TPen;
- function GraphicExtent(AGraphic: TGraphic): TGmSize;
- function TextExtent(AText: string): TGmSize;
- procedure DeleteFont;
- procedure DeletePen;
- procedure PrintBitmap(ARect: TGmRect; Bitmap: TBitmap);
- procedure PrintJpeg(ARect: TGmRect; JPeg: TJPegImage);
- procedure PrintMetafile(ARect: TGmRect; AMetafile: TMetafile);
- procedure PrintPolyShape(AShapeID: integer; const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- procedure SelectFont(AScale: Extended);
- procedure SelectPen;
- procedure SetActive(AValue: Boolean);
- protected
- property PpiX: integer read FPpiX;
- property PpiY: integer read FPpiY;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GraphicHeightInch(AGraphic: TGraphic): Extended;
- function GraphicWidthInch(AGraphic: TGraphic): Extended;
- function TextHeight(AText: string): integer;
- function TextWidth(AText: string): integer;
- function TextHeightInch(AText: string): Extended;
- function TextWidthInch(AText: string): Extended;
- procedure Arc(inchPoints: TGmComplexPoints);
- procedure Chord(inchPoints: TGmComplexPoints);
- procedure Draw(inchX, inchY: Extended; AGraphic: TGraphic);
- procedure Ellipse(inchX, inchY, inchX2, inchY2: Extended);
- procedure MoveTo(inchX, inchY: Extended);
- procedure LineTo(inchX, inchY: Extended);
- procedure Pie(inchPoints: TGmComplexPoints);
- procedure Polygon(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- procedure Polyline(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- procedure PolylineTo(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- procedure PolyBezier(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- procedure PolyBezierTo(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- procedure Rectangle(inchX, inchY, inchX2, inchY2: Extended);
- procedure Refresh;
- procedure RoundRect(inchX, inchY, inchX2, inchY2, inchCornerX, inchCornerY: Extended);
- procedure StretchDraw(inchRect: TGmRect; AGraphic: TGraphic);
- procedure TextBoxOut(inchRect: TGmRect; Align: TAlignment; VertAlign: TGmVertAlignment; AWordBreak: Byte; AText: string);
- procedure TextOut(inchX, inchY: Extended; Alignment: TAlignment; AText: string);
- procedure TextOutRotate(inchX, inchY, Angle: Extended; AText: string);
- // path functions...
- procedure BeginPath;
- procedure EndPath;
- procedure StrokePath;
- procedure FillPath;
- procedure StrokeAndFillPath;
- procedure CloseFigure;
- // properties...
- property Canvas: TCanvas read FPrinterCanvas;
- property CopyMode: TCopyMode read FCopyMode write FCopyMode default cmSrcCopy;
- property Handle: THandle read GetHandle;
- property Brush: TBrush read GetBrush;
- property Font: TFont read GetFont;
- property FontAngle: Extended read FFontAngle write FFontAngle;
- property PenPos: TGmPoint read FPenPos;
- property Pen: TPen read GetPen;
- end;
- TGmPrinter = class(TGmCustomPrinter)
- private
- FAvailableWidth: Extended;
- FAvailableHeight: Extended;
- FCanvas: TGmPrinterCanvas;
- FDevice, FDriver, FPort: array[0..80] of Char;
- FDitherType: TGmDitherType;
- FDuplexType: TGmDuplexType;
- FFileName: string;
- FOffset: TPoint;
- FOrientation: TPrinterOrientation;
- FOrientationSwapped: Boolean;
- FPageCount: integer;
- FPageHeight: Extended;
- FPageWidth: Extended;
- FPagesPerSheet: TGmPagesPerSheet;
- FPpiX: integer;
- FPpiY: integer;
- FPrintColor: TGmPrintColor;
- FPrintCopies: integer;
- FPrintDialog: TPrintDialog;
- FPrinterBins: TStrings;
- FPrinters: TStrings;
- FPrinting: Boolean;
- FPrintQuality: TGmPrintQuality;
- FReversePrintOrder: Boolean;
- FShowPrintDialog: Boolean;
- FTempValue: TGmValue;
- FTempValueRect: TGmValueRect;
- FTitle: string;
- DeviceMode: THandle;
- DevMode: PDeviceMode;
- // events...
- FOnPrinterChanged: TNotifyEvent;
- function GetAborted: Boolean;
- function GetAvailableHeight: integer;
- function GetAvailableHeightGmValue: TGmValue;
- function GetAvailableWidth: integer;
- function GetAvailableWidthGmValue: TGmValue;
- function GetGmValue: TGmValue;
- function GetGmValueRect: TGmValueRect;
- function GetHandle: THandle;
- function GetIndexOf(const APrinter: string): integer;
- function GetIsColorPrinter: Boolean;
- function GetMarginsInch: TGmRect;
- function GetOffset: TPoint;
- function GetPixelOffsetX: integer;
- function GetPixelOffsetY: integer;
- function GetOffsetInchXY: TGmPoint;
- function GetOrientation: TPrinterOrientation;
- function GetPageHeight: integer;
- function GetPageWidth: integer;
- function GetPageHeightGmValue: TGmValue;
- function GetPageWidthGmValue: TGmValue;
- //function GetPageHeightInch: Extended;
- //function GetPageWidthInch: Extended;
- function GetPaperSize: TGmPaperSize;
- function GetPpiX: integer;
- function GetPpiY: integer;
- function GetPrinterBinIndex: integer;
- function GetPrinterBins: TStrings;
- function GetPrinterIndex: integer;
- function GetPrinterMargins: TGmValueRect;
- function GetPrinters: TStrings;
- function GetPrinterSelected: Boolean;
- procedure PrintToFile(AFileName: string);
- procedure LockPrinter;
- procedure OffsetCanvas;
- //procedure ReloadDevMode;
- procedure ResetPrinter;
- procedure SetDitherType(const AValue: TGmDitherType);
- procedure SetDuplexType(const AValue: TGmDuplexType);
- procedure SetOrientation(AOrientation: TPrinterOrientation);
- procedure SetPaperSize(APaperSize: TGmPaperSize);
- procedure SetPrintColor(AColor: TGmPrintColor);
- procedure SetPrintDialog(const ADialog: TPrintDialog);
- procedure SetPrinterBinIndex(const AValue: integer);
- procedure SetPrinterIndex(const AValue: integer);
- procedure SetPrintQuality(const AValue: TGmPrintQuality);
- procedure SetTitle(const ATitle: string);
- procedure SwapOrientation;
- procedure UnlockPrinter;
- // event procedures...
- procedure PrinterChanged(Sender: TObject);
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Abort;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- procedure BeginDoc;
- procedure EndDoc;
- procedure NewPage(AOrientation: TGmOrientation);
- procedure RefreshPrinters;
- property Aborted: Boolean read GetAborted;
- property AvailableHeight: TGmValue read GetAvailableHeightGmValue;
- property AvailableWidth: TGmValue read GetAvailableWidthGmValue;
- property Canvas: TGmPrinterCanvas read FCanvas;
- property FileName: string read FFileName write FFileName;
- property Handle: THandle read GetHandle;
- property IndexOf[const Printer: string]: integer read GetIndexOf;
- property IsColorPrinter: Boolean read GetIsColorPrinter;
- property Orientation: TPrinterOrientation read GetOrientation write SetOrientation;
- property PagesPerSheet: TGmPagesPerSheet read FPagesPerSheet write FPagesPerSheet default gmOnePage;
- property Printing: Boolean read FPrinting;
- property Offset: TPoint read GetOffset;
- property PrinterBinIndex: integer read GetPrinterBinIndex write SetPrinterBinIndex;
- property PrinterBins: TStrings read GetPrinterBins;
- property PrinterMargins: TGmValueRect read GetPrinterMargins;
- property PrinterPaperSize: TGmPaperSize read GetPaperSize write SetPaperSize;
- property PrinterHeight: TGmValue read GetPageHeightGmValue;
- property PrinterIndex: integer read GetPrinterIndex write SetPrinterIndex;
- property Printers: TStrings read GetPrinters;
- property PrinterSelected: Boolean read GetPrinterSelected;
- property PrinterWidth: TGmValue read GetPageWidthGmValue;
- property PrinterPpiX: integer read GetPpiX;
- property PrinterPpiY: integer read GetPpiY;
- property OnPrinterChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnPrinterChanged write FOnPrinterChanged;
- published
- property PrintColor: TGmPrintColor read FPrintColor write FPrintColor stored True default gmColor;
- property PrintCopies: integer read FPrintCopies write FPrintCopies default 1;
- property DitherType: TGmDitherType read FDitherType write FDitherType default gmGrayScale;
- property Duplex: TGmDuplexType read FDuplexType write FDuplexType default gmSimplex;
- property PrintDialog: TPrintDialog read FPrintDialog write SetPrintDialog;
- property PrintQuality: TGmPrintQuality read FPrintQuality write FPrintQuality default gmMedium;
- property ReversePrintOrder: Boolean read FReversePrintOrder write FReversePrintOrder default True;
- property ShowPrintDialog: Boolean read FShowPrintDialog write FShowPrintDialog default True;
- property Title: string read FTitle write SetTitle;
- end;
- function AsGmOrientation(AOrientation: TPrinterOrientation): TGmOrientation;
- function AsPrinterOrientation(AOrientation: TGmOrientation): TPrinterOrientation;
- function AsGmPaperSize(APaperSize: SmallInt): TGmPaperSize;
- function AsPrinterPaperSize(APaperSize: TGmPaperSize): SmallInt;
- function ConvertPenStyle(APenStyle: TPenStyle): Byte;
- function PrinterPpiX: Extended;
- function PrinterPpiY: Extended;
- implementation
- uses GmConst, Math, SysUtils, WinSpool;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *** Global functions ***
- function AsGmOrientation(AOrientation: TPrinterOrientation): TGmOrientation;
- begin
- if AOrientation = poPortrait then
- Result := gmPortrait
- else
- Result := gmLandscape;
- end;
- function AsPrinterOrientation(AOrientation: TGmOrientation): TPrinterOrientation;
- begin
- if AOrientation = gmPortrait then
- Result := poPortrait
- else
- Result := poLandscape;
- end;
- function AsGmPaperSize(APaperSize: SmallInt): TGmPaperSize;
- begin
- case APaperSize of
- DMPAPER_LETTER : Result := Letter;
- DMPAPER_LEGAL : Result := Legal;
- DMPAPER_A3 : Result := A3;
- DMPAPER_A4 : Result := A4;
- DMPAPER_A5 : Result := A5;
- DMPAPER_A6 : Result := A6;
- DMPAPER_B5 : Result := B5;
- DMPAPER_ENV_C5 : Result := C5;
- else
- Result := Custom;
- end
- end;
- function AsPrinterPaperSize(APaperSize: TGmPaperSize): SmallInt;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- case APaperSize of
- A3 : Result := DMPAPER_A3;
- A4 : Result := DMPAPER_A4;
- A5 : Result := DMPAPER_A5;
- A6 : Result := DMPAPER_A6;
- B5 : Result := DMPAPER_B5;
- C5 : Result := DMPAPER_ENV_C5;
- Legal : Result := DMPAPER_LEGAL;
- Letter: Result := DMPAPER_LETTER;
- end;
- end;
- function ConvertPenStyle(APenStyle: TPenStyle): Byte;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- case APenStyle of
- psSolid: Result := PS_SOLID;
- psDash: Result := PS_DASH;
- psDot: Result := PS_DOT;
- psDashDot: Result := PS_DASHDOT;
- psDashDotDot: Result := PS_DASHDOTDOT;
- psClear: Result := PS_NULL;
- end;
- end;
- function PrinterPpiX: Extended;
- begin
- if Printer.Printers.Count > 0 then
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, LOGPIXELSX)
- else
- end;
- function PrinterPpiY: Extended;
- begin
- if Printer.Printers.Count > 0 then
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, LOGPIXELSY)
- else
- end;
- // *** Local functions ***
- function InchesToPixels(AValue: Extended; Ppi: integer): integer;
- begin
- Result := Round(AValue * Ppi);
- end;
- function GmPointToPixels(APoint: TGmPoint; PpiX, PpiY: integer): TPoint;
- begin
- Result.x := InchesToPixels(APoint.x, PpiX);
- Result.y := InchesToPixels(APoint.y, PpiY);
- end;
- function GmRectToPixels(ARect: TGmRect; PpiX, PpiY: integer): TRect;
- begin
- Result.Left := InchesToPixels(ARect.Left, PpiX);
- Result.Top := InchesToPixels(ARect.Top, PpiY);
- Result.Right := InchesToPixels(ARect.Right, PpiX);
- Result.Bottom := InchesToPixels(ARect.Bottom, PpiY);
- end;
- function PixelsToInches(AValue: Integer; Ppi: integer): Extended;
- begin
- Result := AValue / Ppi;
- end;
- function ScaleValue(AValue, AScale: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- Result := AValue * AScale;
- end;
- function ScaleGmPoint(APoint: TGmPoint; AScale: Extended): TGmPoint;
- begin
- Result.x := APoint.x * AScale;
- Result.y := APoint.y * AScale;
- end;
- function ScaleGmRect(ARect: TGmRect; AScale: Extended): TGmRect;
- begin
- Result.Left := ScaleValue(ARect.Left, AScale);
- Result.Top := ScaleValue(ARect.Top, AScale);
- Result.Right := ScaleValue(ARect.Right, AScale);
- Result.Bottom := ScaleValue(ARect.Bottom, AScale);
- end;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {$IFDEF D4+}
- // *** Polygon object printing routines ***
- type
- PPoints = ^TPoints;
- TPoints = array[0..0] of TPoint;
- procedure PrintPolygon(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Points: array of TPoint);
- begin
- Windows.Polygon(ACanvas.Handle, PPoints(@Points)^, High(Points) + 1);
- end;
- procedure PrintPolyline(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Points: array of TPoint);
- begin
- Windows.Polyline(ACanvas.Handle, PPoints(@Points)^, High(Points) + 1);
- end;
- procedure PrintPolylineTo(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Points: array of TPoint);
- begin
- Windows.PolylineTo(ACanvas.Handle, PPoints(@Points)^, High(Points) + 1);
- end;
- procedure PrintPolyBezier(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Points: array of TPoint);
- begin
- Windows.PolyBezier(ACanvas.Handle, PPoints(@Points)^, High(Points) + 1);
- end;
- procedure PrintPolyBezierTo(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Points: array of TPoint);
- begin
- Windows.PolyBezierTo(ACanvas.Handle, PPoints(@Points)^, High(Points) + 1);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *** TGmPrinterCanvas ***
- constructor TGmPrinterCanvas.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FSaveBrush := TBrush.Create;
- FFontAngle := 0;
- FHPen := 0;
- FPenPos := GmPoint(0,0);
- FCopyMode := cmSrcCopy;
- FPrintScale := 0.5;
- end;
- destructor TGmPrinterCanvas.Destroy;
- begin
- DeleteFont;
- DeletePen;
- FSaveBrush.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *** Private functions ***
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.GetBrush: TBrush;
- begin
- Result := FPrinterCanvas.Brush;
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.GetFont: TFont;
- begin
- Result := FPrinterCanvas.Font;
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.GetHandle: THandle;
- begin
- Result := FPrinterCanvas.Handle;
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.GetPen: TPen;
- begin
- Result := FPrinterCanvas.Pen;
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.GraphicExtent(AGraphic: TGraphic): TGmSize;
- begin
- Result.Height := PixelsToInches(AGraphic.Height, PpiY);
- Result.Width := PixelsToInches(AGraphic.Width, PpiX);
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.TextExtent(AText: string): TGmSize;
- begin
- Result.Height := PixelsToInches(Canvas.TextHeight(AText), PpiY);
- Result.Width := PixelsToInches(Canvas.TextWidth(AText), PpiX);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.DeleteFont;
- begin
- if FHFont <> 0 then DeleteObject(FHFont);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.DeletePen;
- begin
- if FHPen <> 0 then DeleteObject(FHPen);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.PrintBitmap(ARect: TGmRect; Bitmap: TBitmap);
- var
- BitmapHeader: pBitmapInfo;
- BitmapImage : POINTER;
- HeaderSize : DWORD; // Use DWORD for D3-D5 compatibility
- ImageSize : DWORD;
- CM : LongInt;
- DestRect: TRect;
- begin
- DestRect := GmRectToPixels(ScaleGmRect(ARect, FPrintScale), PpiX, PpiY);
- case FCopyMode of
- cmBlackness: CM := BLACKNESS;
- cmDstInvert: CM := DSTINVERT;
- cmMergeCopy: CM := MERGECOPY;
- cmMergePaint: CM := MERGEPAINT;
- cmNotSrcCopy: CM := NOTSRCCOPY;
- cmNotSrcErase:CM := NOTSRCERASE;
- cmPatCopy: CM := PATCOPY;
- cmPatInvert: CM := PATINVERT;
- cmPatPaint: CM := PATPAINT;
- cmSrcAnd: CM := SRCAND;
- cmSrcCopy: CM := SRCCOPY;
- cmSrcErase: CM := SRCERASE;
- cmSrcInvert: CM := SRCINVERT;
- cmSrcPaint: CM := SRCPAINT;
- cmWhiteness: CM := WHITENESS;
- end;
- GetDIBSizes(Bitmap.Handle, HeaderSize, ImageSize);
- GetMem(BitmapHeader, HeaderSize);
- GetMem(BitmapImage, ImageSize);
- GetDIB(Bitmap.Handle, Bitmap.Palette, BitmapHeader^, BitmapImage^);
- try
- StretchDIBits(Handle,
- DestRect.Left, DestRect.Top, // Destination Origin
- DestRect.Right - DestRect.Left, // Destination Width
- DestRect.Bottom - DestRect.Top, // Destination Height
- 0, 0, // Source Origin
- Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height, // Source Width & Height
- BitmapImage,
- TBitmapInfo(BitmapHeader^),
- CM);
- finally
- FreeMem(BitmapHeader);
- FreeMem(BitmapImage)
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.PrintJpeg(ARect: TGmRect; JPeg: TJPegImage);
- var
- ABitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- ABitmap.PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
- ABitmap.Height := JPeg.Height;
- ABitmap.Width := JPeg.Width;
- ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, JPeg);
- PrintBitmap(ARect, ABitmap);
- finally
- ABitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.PrintMetafile(ARect: TGmRect; AMetafile: TMetafile);
- var
- DestRect: TRect;
- begin
- DestRect := GmRectToPixels(ARect, PpiX, PpiY);
- //Canvas.stretchDraw(DestRect, AMetafile);
- PlayEnhMetaFile(Handle, AMetafile.Handle, DestRect);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.PrintPolyShape(AShapeID: integer; const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- {$IFDEF D4+}
- var
- NewPoints: array of TPoint;
- ICount: integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- {$IFDEF D4+}
- if not FActive then Exit;
- SelectPen;
- SetLength(NewPoints, High(inchPoints)+1);
- for ICount := 0 to High(inchPoints) do
- NewPoints[ICount] := GmPointToPixels(ScaleGmPoint(inchPoints[ICount], FPrintScale), PpiX, PpiY);
- case AShapeID of
- GM_POLYGON_ID : PrintPolygon(Canvas, NewPoints);
- GM_POLYLINE_ID : PrintPolyline(Canvas, NewPoints);
- GM_POLYBEZIER_ID : PrintPolyBezier(Canvas, NewPoints);
- GM_POLYLINETO_ID : PrintPolylineTo(Canvas, NewPoints);
- GM_POLYBEZIERTO_ID: PrintPolyBezierTo(Canvas, NewPoints);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.SelectFont(AScale: Extended);
- var
- lf: TLogFont;
- //AFont: TFont;
- begin
- //DeleteFont;
- //AFont := TFont.Create;
- //AFont.Assign(Canvas.Font);
- //GetObject(AFont.Handle, sizeof(lf), @lf);
- GetObject(Canvas.Font.Handle, sizeof(lf), @lf);
- lf.lfEscapement := Round(FFontAngle * 10);
- lf.lfOrientation := Round(FFontAngle * 10);
- if fsBold in Canvas.Font.Style then lf.lfWeight := FW_ULTRABOLD;
- if fsItalic in Canvas.Font.Style then lf.lfItalic := Integer(True);
- if fsUnderline in Canvas.Font.Style then lf.lfUnderline := Integer(True);
- lf.lfHeight := Round(lf.lfHeight * AScale);
- //lf.
- //AFont.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(lf);
- FHFont := CreateFontIndirect(lf);
- SelectObject(Canvas.Handle, FHFont);
- //SelectObject(Canvas.Handle, AFont.Handle);
- //Canvas.Font.Assign(AFont);
- // AFont.Free;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.SelectPen;
- var
- LB: TLogBrush;
- APenStyle: Byte;
- APenWidth: integer;
- OnePt: Extended;
- begin
- if (Canvas.Pen.Width * FPrintScale) <= 1 then
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Exit;
- end;
- OnePt := (PpiY / 72);
- LB.lbColor := Pen.Color;
- LB.lbStyle := BS_SOLID;
- LB.lbHatch := 0;
- APenStyle := ConvertPenStyle(Pen.Style);
- APenWidth := Round(((Pen.Width * OnePt)/4) * FPrintScale);
- Canvas.Pen.Handle := ExtCreatePen(PS_GEOMETRIC or APenStyle or PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE, APenWidth, LB, 0, nil);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.SetActive(AValue: Boolean);
- begin
- SetWindowOrgEx(Handle,
- FOffset.x,
- FOffset.y,
- nil);
- FActive := AValue;
- end;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *** Public functions ***
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.GraphicHeightInch(AGraphic: TGraphic): Extended;
- begin
- Result := GraphicExtent(AGraphic).Height;
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.GraphicWidthInch(AGraphic: TGraphic): Extended;
- begin
- Result := GraphicExtent(AGraphic).Width;
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.TextHeight(AText: string): integer;
- begin
- Result := Round(TextHeightInch(AText) * PrinterPpiY);
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.TextWidth(AText: string): integer;
- begin
- Result := Round(TextWidthInch(AText) * PrinterPpiX);
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.TextHeightInch(AText: string): Extended;
- begin
- Result := TextExtent(AText).Height;
- end;
- function TGmPrinterCanvas.TextWidthInch(AText: string): Extended;
- begin
- Result := TextExtent(AText).Width;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.Arc(inchPoints: TGmComplexPoints);
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- // ConvertColors;
- SelectPen;
- Windows.Arc(Handle,
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[1], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[2], FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[3], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[4], FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[5], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[6], FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[7], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[8], FPrintScale), PpiY));
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.Chord(inchPoints: TGmComplexPoints);
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- // ConvertColors;
- SelectPen;
- Windows.Chord(Handle,
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[1], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[2], FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[3], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[4], FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[5], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[6], FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[7], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[8], FPrintScale), PpiY));
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.Draw(inchX, inchY: Extended; AGraphic: TGraphic);
- var
- ARect: TGmRect;
- begin
- ARect.Left := inchX;
- ARect.Top := inchY;
- ARect.Right := ARect.Left + (AGraphic.Width div SCREEN_PPI);
- ARect.Bottom := ARect.Top + (AGraphic.Height div SCREEN_PPI);
- StretchDraw(ARect, AGraphic);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.Ellipse(inchX, inchY, inchX2, inchY2: Extended);
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- // ConvertColors;
- SelectPen;
- Windows.Ellipse(Handle,
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchX, FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchY, FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchX2, FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchY2, FPrintScale), PpiY));
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.MoveTo(inchX, inchY: Extended);
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- FPenPos := GmPoint(inchX, inchY);
- Windows.MoveToEx(Handle,
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchX, FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchY, FPrintScale), PpiY),
- nil);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.LineTo(inchX, inchY: Extended);
- var
- Points: array[1..2] of TPoint;
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- // ConvertColors;
- SelectPen;
- Points[1] := GmPointToPixels(ScaleGmPoint(FPenPos, FPrintScale), PpiX, PpiY);
- Points[2] := GmPointToPixels(ScaleGmPoint(GmPoint(inchX, inchY), FPrintScale), PpiX, PpiY);
- Windows.Polyline(Handle, Points, High(Points));
- FPenPos := GmPoint(inchX, inchY);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.Pie(inchPoints: TGmComplexPoints);
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- // ConvertColors;
- SelectPen;
- Windows.Pie(Handle,
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[1], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[2], FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[3], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[4], FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[5], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[6], FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[7], FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchPoints[8], FPrintScale), PpiY));
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.Polygon(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- begin
- PrintPolyShape(GM_POLYGON_ID, inchPoints);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.Polyline(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- begin
- PrintPolyShape(GM_POLYLINE_ID, inchPoints);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.PolylineTo(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- begin
- PrintPolyShape(GM_POLYLINETO_ID, inchPoints);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.PolyBezier(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- begin
- PrintPolyShape(GM_POLYBEZIER_ID, inchPoints);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.PolyBezierTo(const inchPoints: array of TGmPoint);
- begin
- PrintPolyShape(GM_POLYBEZIERTO_ID, inchPoints);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.Rectangle(inchX, inchY, inchX2, inchY2: Extended);
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- // ConvertColors;
- SelectPen;
- Windows.Rectangle(Handle,
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchX, FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchY, FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchX2, FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchY2, FPrintScale), PpiY));
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.Refresh;
- begin
- Canvas.Refresh;
- SetActive(True);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.RoundRect(inchX, inchY, inchX2, inchY2, inchCornerX, inchCornerY: Extended);
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- // ConvertColors;
- SelectPen;
- Windows.RoundRect(Handle,
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchX, FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchY, FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchX2, FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchY2, FPrintScale), PpiY),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchCornerX, FPrintScale), PpiX),
- InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchCornerY, FPrintScale), PpiY));
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.StretchDraw(inchRect: TGmRect; AGraphic: TGraphic);
- begin
- if (AGraphic is TBitmap) then PrintBitmap(inchRect, (AGraphic as TBitmap));
- if (AGraphic is TJPegImage) then PrintJPeg(inchRect, (AGraphic as TJPegImage));
- if (AGraphic is TMetafile) then PrintMetafile(inchRect, (AGraphic as TMetafile));
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.TextBoxOut(inchRect: TGmRect; Align: TAlignment; VertAlign: TGmVertAlignment; AWordBreak: Byte; AText: string);
- var
- ARect: TRect;
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- Canvas.Font.PixelsPerInch := Round(Canvas.Font.PixelsPerInch / FPrintScale);
- ARect.Left := InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchRect.Left, FPrintScale), PpiX);
- ARect.Top := InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchRect.Top, FPrintScale), PpiX);
- ARect.Right := InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchRect.Right, FPrintScale), PpiX);
- ARect.Bottom := InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchRect.Bottom, FPrintScale), PpiX);
- SelectPen;
- Windows.Rectangle(Handle,
- ARect.Left,
- ARect.Top,
- ARect.Right,
- ARect.Bottom);
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Windows.DrawText(Handle,
- PChar(AText),
- Length(AText),
- ARect,
- AWordBreak+
- ConvertAlignment(Align)+
- ConvertVertAlignment(VertAlign)+
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.TextOut(inchX, inchY: Extended; Alignment: TAlignment; AText: string);
- var
- x, y: integer;
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- Canvas.Font.PixelsPerInch := Round(Canvas.Font.PixelsPerInch / FPrintScale);
- Canvas.Font.Assign(Canvas.Font);
- if FFontAngle <> 0 then SelectFont(FPrintScale);
- x := InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchX, FPrintScale), PpiX);
- y := InchesToPixels(ScaleValue(inchY, FPrintScale), PpiY);
- if Canvas.Font.Color <> clBlack then
- begin
- if (Brush.Style <> bsClear) then
- begin
- BeginPath;
- case Alignment of
- taLeftJustify : Canvas.TextOut(x, y, AText);
- taCenter : Canvas.TextOut(x-(TextWidth(AText) div 2), y, AText);
- taRightJustify: Canvas.TextOut(x-TextWidth(AText), y, AText);
- end;
- EndPath;
- FillPath;
- end;
- if (Canvas.Font.Color <> clWhite) then
- begin
- BeginPath;
- SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT);
- case Alignment of
- taLeftJustify : Canvas.TextOut(x, y, AText);
- taCenter : Canvas.TextOut(x-(TextWidth(AText) div 2), y, AText);
- taRightJustify: Canvas.TextOut(x-TextWidth(AText), y, AText);
- end;
- EndPath;
- FSaveBrush.Assign(Brush);
- Brush.Color := Font.Color;
- FillPath;
- Brush.Assign(FSaveBrush);
- SetBkMode(Handle, OPAQUE);
- end;
- end
- else
- case Alignment of
- taLeftJustify : Canvas.TextOut(x, y, AText);
- taCenter : Canvas.TextOut(x-(Round(Canvas.TextWidth(AText)*FPrintScale) div 2), y, AText);
- taRightJustify: Canvas.TextOut(x-Round(Canvas.TextWidth(AText)*FPrintScale), y, AText);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.TextOutRotate(inchX, inchY, Angle: Extended; AText: string);
- begin
- FFontAngle := Angle;
- try
- TextOut(inchX, inchY, taLeftJustify, AText);
- finally
- FFontAngle := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.BeginPath;
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- Windows.BeginPath(Canvas.Handle);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.EndPath;
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- Windows.EndPath(Canvas.Handle);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.StrokePath;
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- Windows.StrokePath(Canvas.Handle);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.FillPath;
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- Windows.FillPath(Canvas.Handle);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.StrokeAndFillPath;
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- Windows.StrokeAndFillPath(Canvas.Handle);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinterCanvas.CloseFigure;
- begin
- if not FActive then Exit;
- Windows.CloseFigure(Canvas.Handle);
- end;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *** TGmPrinter ***
- constructor TGmPrinter.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FPrinters := TStringList.Create;
- FPrinterBins := TStringList.Create;
- FCanvas := TGmPrinterCanvas.Create;
- FTempValue := TGmValue.Create;
- //GetMem(FDevice, 80);
- //G/etMem(FDriver, 80);
- //GetMem(FPort, 80);
- ResetPrinter;
- FDuplexType := gmSimplex;
- FDitherType := gmGrayScale;
- FPagesPerSheet := gmOnePage;
- FPrintColor := gmColor;
- FFileName := '';
- FOrientation := poPortrait;
- FPrintCopies := 1;
- FPrintQuality := gmMedium;
- FShowPrintDialog := True;
- FReversePrintOrder := True;
- end;
- destructor TGmPrinter.Destroy;
- begin
- FPrinterBins.Free;
- FPrinters.Free;
- FCanvas.Free;
- //FreeMem(FDevice, 80);
- //FreeMem(FDriver, 80);
- //FreeMem(FPort, 80);
- if Assigned(FTempValue) then FTempValue.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *** Private functions ***
- function TGmPrinter.GetAborted: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Printer.Aborted;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetAvailableHeight: integer;
- begin
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, VERTRES);
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetAvailableHeightGmValue: TGmValue;
- begin
- Result := GetGmValue;
- if FAvailableHeight = -1 then
- FAvailableHeight := PixelsToInches(GetAvailableHeight, PrinterPpiY);
- Result.AsInches := FAvailableHeight;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetAvailableWidth: integer;
- begin
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, HORZRES);
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetAvailableWidthGmValue: TGmValue;
- begin
- Result := GetGmValue;
- if FAvailableWidth = -1 then
- FAvailableWidth := PixelsToInches(GetAvailableWidth, PrinterPpiX);
- Result.AsInches := FAvailableWidth;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetGmValue: TGmValue;
- begin
- if not Assigned(FTempValue) then
- FTempValue := TGmValue.Create;
- Result := FTempValue;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetGmValueRect: TGmValueRect;
- begin
- if not Assigned(FTempValueRect) then
- FTempValueRect := TGmValueRect.Create;
- Result := FTempValueRect;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetHandle: THandle;
- begin
- if PrinterSelected then
- Result := Printer.Handle
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetIndexOf(const APrinter: string): integer;
- begin
- Result := FPrinters.IndexOf(APrinter);
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetIsColorPrinter: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- LockPrinter;
- try
- if ((DevMode^.dmFields and dm_Color) = dm_Color) then Result := True;
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetMarginsInch: TGmRect;
- begin
- Result.Left := GetOffsetInchXY.x;
- Result.Top := GetOffsetInchXY.y;
- Result.Right := (PrinterWidth.AsInches - AvailableWidth.AsInches) - Result.Left;
- Result.Bottom := (PrinterHeight.AsInches - AvailableHeight.AsInches) - Result.Top;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetOffset: TPoint;
- begin
- Result.x := GetPixelOffsetX;
- Result.y := GetPixelOffsetY;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPixelOffsetX: integer;
- begin
- if FOffset.x = -1 then
- begin
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETX);
- FOffset.x := Result;
- end
- else
- Result := FOffset.x;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPixelOffsetY: integer;
- begin
- if FOffset.y = -1 then
- begin
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETY);
- FOffset.y := Result;
- end
- else
- Result := FOffset.y;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetOffsetInchXY: TGmPoint;
- begin
- Result.x := PixelsToInches(GetPixelOffsetX, PrinterPpiX);
- Result.y := PixelsToInches(GetPixelOffsetY, PrinterPpiY);
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetOrientation: TPrinterOrientation;
- begin
- if Printer.Printing then
- begin
- Result := FOrientation;
- Exit;
- end
- else
- Result := Printer.Orientation;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPageHeight: integer;
- begin
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, PHYSICALHEIGHT);
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPageWidth: integer;
- begin
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, PHYSICALWIDTH);
- end;
- {function TGmPrinter.GetPageHeightInch: Extended;
- begin
- if FPageHeight = -1 then
- begin
- Result := PixelsToInches(GetPageHeight, PrinterPpiY);
- FPageHeight := Result;
- end
- else
- Result := FPageHeight;
- end;
- }
- {function TGmPrinter.GetPageWidthInch: Extended;
- begin
- if FPageWidth = -1 then
- begin
- Result := PixelsToInches(GetPageWidth, PrinterPpiX);
- FPageWidth := Result;
- end
- else
- Result := FPageWidth;
- end; }
- function TGmPrinter.GetPageHeightGmValue: TGmValue;
- begin
- Result := GetGmValue;
- if FPageHeight = -1 then
- FPageHeight := PixelsToInches(GetPageHeight, PrinterPpiX);
- Result.AsInches := FPageHeight;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPageWidthGmValue: TGmValue;
- begin
- Result := GetGmValue;
- if FPageWidth = -1 then
- FPageWidth := PixelsToInches(GetPageWidth, PrinterPpiX);
- Result.AsInches := FPageWidth;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPaperSize: TGmPaperSize;
- begin
- LockPrinter;
- try
- if DevMode <> nil then Result := AsGmPaperSize(DevMode^.dmPaperSize)
- else Result := Custom;
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPpiX: integer;
- begin
- if FPpiX = -1 then
- begin
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, LOGPIXELSX);
- FCanvas.FPpiX := Result;
- end
- else
- Result := FPpiX;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPpiY: integer;
- begin
- if FPpiY = -1 then
- begin
- Result := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, LOGPIXELSY);
- FCanvas.FPpiY := Result;
- end
- else
- Result := FPpiX;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPrinterBinIndex: integer;
- begin
- // get the current printer bin index of the selected printer...
- LockPrinter;
- try
- Result := DevMode^.dmDefaultSource;
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPrinterBins: TStrings;
- var
- ICount: integer;
- ABin : array[0..255] of Char;
- begin
- LockPrinter;
- try
- FPrinterBins.Clear;
- for ICount := 1 to DeviceCapabilities(FDevice,FPort,DC_BINNAMES,ABin,nil) do
- FPrinterBins.Add(ABin+24*(ICount-1));
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- Result := FPrinterBins;
- end;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPrinterIndex: integer;
- begin
- if PrinterSelected then
- Result := Printer.PrinterIndex
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPrinterMargins: TGmValueRect;
- var
- ARect: TGmRect;
- begin
- Result := GetGmValueRect;
- ARect := GetMarginsInch;
- /// Result.Left.AsPixels[600] := GetPixelOffsetX;
- // Result.Top.AsPixels[600] := GetPixelOffsetY;
- // Result.Right.AsPixels[600] := (GetPageWidth-GetPixelOffsetX)-GetAvailableWidth;
- // Result.Bottom.AsPixels[600] := (GetPageHeight-GetPixelOffsetY)-GetAvailableHeight;
- Result.Left.AsInches := ARect.Left;
- Result.Top.AsInches := ARect.Top;
- Result.Right.AsInches := ARect.Right;
- Result.Bottom.AsInches := ARect.Bottom;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.PrintToFile(AFileName: string);
- var
- CTitle: array[0..31] of Char;
- DocInfo: TDocInfo;
- begin
- with Printer do
- begin
- BeginDoc;
- { Abort job just started on API level. }
- EndPage( Canvas.handle );
- Windows.AbortDoc( Canvas.handle );
- { Restart it with a print file as destination. }
- StrPLCopy(CTitle, FTitle, SizeOf(CTitle) - 1);
- FillChar(DocInfo, SizeOf(DocInfo), 0);
- with DocInfo do
- begin
- cbSize := SizeOf(DocInfo);
- lpszDocName := CTitle;
- lpszOutput := PChar(FFileName);
- end;
- StartDoc(Canvas.handle, DocInfo);
- StartPage(Canvas.handle);
- end;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPrinters: TStrings;
- begin
- Result := Printer.Printers;
- end;
- function TGmPrinter.GetPrinterSelected: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Printer.Printers.Count > 0;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.LockPrinter;
- begin
- ResetPrinter;
- // Reload the printer DEVMODE structure...
- //ReloadDevMode;
- DevMode := GlobalLock(DeviceMode);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.OffsetCanvas;
- begin
- FCanvas.Refresh;
- if FPagesPerSheet = gmTwoPage then
- begin
- if Printer.Orientation = poLandscape then
- begin
- case (FPageCount mod 2) of
- 0: SetWindowOrgEx(Canvas.Handle, FOffset.x, FOffset.y, nil);
- 1: SetWindowOrgEx(Canvas.Handle, FOffset.x + (0-(GetPageWidth div 2)), FOffset.y, nil);
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- case (FPageCount mod 2) of
- 0: SetWindowOrgEx(Canvas.Handle, FOffset.x, FOffset.y, nil);
- 1: SetWindowOrgEx(Canvas.Handle, FOffset.x, FOffset.y + (GetPageHeight div 2), nil);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if FPagesPerSheet = gmFourPage then
- begin
- case (FPageCount mod 4) of
- 0: SetWindowOrgEx(Canvas.Handle, FOffset.x, FOffset.y, nil);
- 1: SetWindowOrgEx(Canvas.Handle, FOffset.x + (0-(GetPageWidth div 2)), FOffset.y, nil);
- 2: SetWindowOrgEx(Canvas.Handle, FOffset.x, FOffset.y + (0-(GetPageHeight div 2)), nil);
- 3: SetWindowOrgEx(Canvas.Handle, FOffset.x + (0-(GetPageWidth div 2)), FOffset.y + (0-(GetPageHeight div 2)), nil);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.ResetPrinter;
- begin
- // reset the printer...
- //ReloadDevMode;
- Printer.GetPrinter(FDevice, FDriver, FPort, DeviceMode);
- Printer.SetPrinter(FDevice, FDriver, FPort, 0);
- FOffset := Point(-1, -1);
- FAvailableWidth := -1;
- FAvailableHeight := -1;
- FPageHeight := -1;
- FPageWidth := -1;
- FPpiX := -1;
- FPpiY := -1;
- FPrintCopies := 1;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetDitherType(const AValue: TGmDitherType);
- begin
- LockPrinter;
- try
- if DevMode <> nil then
- begin
- case AValue of
- gmNone : DevMode^.dmDitherType := DMDITHER_NONE;
- gmCourse : DevMode^.dmDitherType := DMDITHER_COARSE;
- gmFine : DevMode^.dmDitherType := DMDITHER_FINE;
- gmLineArt : DevMode^.dmDitherType := DMDITHER_LINEART;
- gmGrayScale : DevMode^.dmDitherType := DMDITHER_GRAYSCALE;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetDuplexType(const AValue: TGmDuplexType);
- begin
- // set the printer duplex printing option...
- LockPrinter;
- try
- if DevMode <> nil then
- begin
- case AValue of
- gmSimplex : DevMode^.dmDuplex := DMDUP_SIMPLEX;
- gmHorzDuplex : DevMode^.dmDuplex := DMDUP_HORIZONTAL;
- gmVertDuplex : DevMode^.dmDuplex := DMDUP_VERTICAL;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetOrientation(AOrientation: TPrinterOrientation);
- const
- Orientations: array [TPrinterOrientation] of Integer = (
- begin
- LockPrinter;
- try
- if ((DevMode^.dmFields and DM_ORIENTATION) = DM_ORIENTATION) then
- DevMode^.dmOrientation := Orientations[AOrientation];
- finally
- FOrientation := AOrientation;
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetPaperSize(APaperSize: TGmPaperSize);
- var
- ASize: SmallInt;
- begin
- ASize := AsPrinterPaperSize(APaperSize);
- if ASize = -1 then Exit;
- LockPrinter;
- try
- if DevMode <> nil then DevMode^.dmPaperSize := ASize;
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetPrintColor(AColor: TGmPrintColor);
- begin
- LockPrinter;
- try
- if DevMode <> nil then
- begin
- FPrintColor := gmMonochrome;
- DevMode^.dmColor := DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME;
- if AColor = gmColor then
- begin
- if (DevMode^.dmFields and dm_Color) = DM_COLOR then
- begin
- DevMode^.dmColor := DMCOLOR_COLOR;
- FPrintColor := gmColor;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetPrintDialog(const ADialog: TPrintDialog);
- begin
- FPrintDialog := ADialog;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetPrinterBinIndex(const AValue: integer);
- begin
- LockPrinter;
- try
- if DevMode <> nil then DevMode^.dmDefaultSource := AValue;
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetPrinterIndex(const AValue: integer);
- begin
- if Printer.PrinterIndex <> AValue then
- begin
- Printer.PrinterIndex := AValue;
- ResetPrinter;
- PrinterChanged(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetPrintQuality(const AValue: TGmPrintQuality);
- begin
- LockPrinter;
- try
- if (DevMode^.dmFields and dm_printquality) = dm_printquality then
- begin
- case AValue of
- gmDraft : DevMode^.dmPrintQuality := Short(DMRES_DRAFT);
- gmLow : DevMode^.dmPrintQuality := Short(DMRES_LOW);
- gmMedium: DevMode^.dmPrintQuality := Short(DMRES_MEDIUM);
- gmHigh : DevMode^.dmPrintQuality := Short(DMRES_HIGH);
- end;
- FPrintQuality := AValue;
- end;
- finally
- UnlockPrinter;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SetTitle(const ATitle: string);
- begin
- if FTitle <> ATitle then
- FTitle := ATitle;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.SwapOrientation;
- begin
- with Printer do
- begin
- if Orientation = poPortrait then Orientation := poLandscape
- else Orientation := poPortrait;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.UnlockPrinter;
- begin
- GlobalUnlock(DeviceMode);
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.PrinterChanged(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnPrinterChanged) then FOnPrinterChanged(Self);
- end;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *** Public functions ***
- procedure TGmPrinter.Abort;
- begin
- // Aborts the print job during printing...
- if (FPrinting) then
- begin
- Printer.Abort;
- FPrinting := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- var
- APrinter: TGmPrinter;
- begin
- APrinter := (Source as TGmPrinter);
- FPagesPerSheet := APrinter.FPagesPerSheet;
- FPrintColor := APrinter.FPrintColor;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.BeginDoc;
- var
- Ph, Pw: integer;
- begin
- ResetPrinter;
- SetDitherType(FDitherType);
- SetDuplexType(FDuplexType);
- SetPrintQuality(FPrintQuality);
- SetPrintColor(FPrintColor);
- SetOrientation(FOrientation);
- if (Assigned(FPrintDialog)) and (FShowPrintDialog) then
- if not FPrintDialog.Execute then Exit;
- Ph := GetPageHeight;
- Pw := GetPageWidth;
- case FPagesPerSheet of
- gmOnePage : Canvas.FPrintScale := 1;
- gmTwoPage : Canvas.FPrintScale := Min(Ph, Pw) / Max(Ph, Pw);
- gmFourPage: Canvas.FPrintScale := 0.5;
- end;
- FOrientationSwapped := False;
- if FPagesPerSheet = gmTwoPage then
- begin
- SwapOrientation;
- FOrientationSwapped := True;
- end;
- FPageCount := 0;
- Printer.Title := Title;
- if FFileName <> '' then PrintToFile(FFileName)
- else
- Printer.BeginDoc;
- FCanvas.FPrinterCanvas := Printer.Canvas;
- FCanvas.FPpiX := PrinterPpiX;
- FCanvas.FPpiY := PrinterPpiY;
- FCanvas.FOffset.x := GetPixelOffsetX;
- FCanvas.FOffset.y := GetPixelOffsetY;
- FCanvas.FPrintColor := FPrintColor;
- FCanvas.SetActive(True);
- FPrinting := True;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.EndDoc;
- begin
- FCanvas.SetActive(False);
- Printer.EndDoc;
- if FOrientationSwapped then SwapOrientation;
- FPrinting := False;
- end;
- { hDeviceMode: THandle;
- pDevMode: PDeviceMode;
- begin
- end; }
- procedure TGmPrinter.NewPage(AOrientation: TGmOrientation);
- procedure NewPage(AOrientation: TGmOrientation);
- var
- Device, Driver, Port: array[0..80] of char;
- hDeviceMode: THandle;
- pDevMode: PDeviceMode;
- begin
- // start a new printer page of the desired orientation...
- Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, hDeviceMode);
- pDevMode := GlobalLock( hDevicemode );
- with pDevMode^ do
- begin
- dmFields := dmFields or DM_ORIENTATION;
- case AOrientation of
- gmPortrait : dmOrientation := DMORIENT_PORTRAIT;
- gmLandscape : dmOrientation := DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
- end;
- end;
- Windows.EndPage(GetHandle);
- ResetDC(Handle, pDevMode^);
- GlobalUnlock(hDeviceMode);
- Windows.StartPage(GetHandle);
- FCanvas.Canvas.Refresh;
- end;
- var
- AddPage: Boolean;
- begin
- Inc(FPageCount);
- AddPage := False;
- if (FPagesPerSheet = gmOnePage) then AddPage := True;
- if (FPagesPerSheet = gmTwoPage) and (FPageCount mod 2 = 0) then AddPage := True;
- if (FPagesPerSheet = gmFourPage) and (FPageCount mod 4 = 0) then AddPage := True;
- if AddPage then
- begin
- if AOrientation = AsGmOrientation(Orientation) then
- Printer.NewPage
- else
- NewPage(AOrientation);
- end;
- OffsetCanvas;
- end;
- procedure TGmPrinter.RefreshPrinters;
- begin
- // refresh the list of printers...
- FPrinters.Clear;
- FPrinters.Assign(GetPrinters);
- end;
- end.